Sunday, July 16, 2006 @ 5:22 PM
test layout..
just testing the layout I edited..
I think the banner is way crappy.. >.<
anyway, sunday today, monday tomorrow! Jason!! wait for me! I'll come and fetch you from the airport! waaahh~ I heard rumors that you've gotten thinner now! I'm proud Jason! *wipes tear*
homaigad.. I had a banjun marathon last night.. I dunno why.. I just had the urge to spazz over micky.. and I spazzed over sungmin! muhahaha! I missed the ToHo and SuJu boys.. haay.. Kamille! you made me realize and miss alot of things..
Kamille woke me up yesterday.. and as early as 11:00.. *yes that is early in my time* we were talking about that darn Micky Park... and she made me think about ALOT of things that aren't supposed to be thought of.. *shivers*
ANYWAY! I dreamt that I knew how to tap dance! that was soo cool! hahaha! and I finally finished the posters for our play! yey! it's crazy.. because Edward commented that it looked somewhat like "blair witch project" hahaha! but that was my intetion since the cover of the book is kind of "blair-witchy" hahahaha..
I'm going to put back or change my layout soon.. I'm just testing my own creation.. it's really crappy.. *stabs banner*
Thursday, July 13, 2006 @ 8:56 PM
feeling sad...
I've been feeling sad ever since saturday...
I dunno why, but I am.. I miss my cousins. Right now, we're having our conference in MSN.. We're just teasing each other right now.. I really miss DJ and Alicia.. Those days in Fontana.. ahh memories, memories.. they're stirring in my mind right now.. I wish I had pics of us so I can post in online..
I hope that Fontana was we'd be together all the time.. *sigh* I wish that we aren't spaces apart.. well, that's life... you can't be with 'em forever.. but I hope that they'll come back soon..
I miss my friends..
Micah, Jenny, May, Nadine,Karla, Diane of course... I miss all of them.. I miss those times that I used to sneak off to Quezon Ave. just to be with them.. those times that I used to lie about going to G4 but actually I'm at North Edsa.. I'm getting teary-eyed just reminiscing about those days.. I wish I wasn't growing up..
I also miss my high school friends..
Nikka, Fil, Elaine, Jobelle, Precious, Emie, Kevin, Ralph.. I miss all of them.. those times when we used to fool around and talk behind other people's backs.. yesh, I am bad.. But, those things were the only reason we bonded.. and maybe we are all crazy lozers who needs a life... but it was our bonding moments...
Sigh, well, that's life.. friends come and go.. but most of them stay.. I'm thankful and proud to say that my friends, even little in number, are the best people you could ever know..
anyway, I have to get going... I have classes tomorrow.. nooo~! wish me luck on my midterms..
Wednesday, July 12, 2006 @ 9:48 PM
Cold Rainy Days...and weekend happenings
yeah! major ranting because I didnt get to blog for the past few days!
Saturday afternoon, at
Glorietta 4 with Heaven's Angels and a Banger. I met up with
Ate Dette, Diane, Jhocel, Gem and Edward first because the others were late.
Mommy Kai, Jhorell and Joo Eun arrived at like 3:30! and we were supposed to meet up at 1! nice. I arrived at 2:30. muhahaha.. At 4,
Ate Aimee and Ate Ana arrived so I was so relieved because I finally had someone to talk to. I dunno, Diane was being such a..... ahh fuck.. Anyway, Ate Aimee treated me at ice monster! hahahha! Everyone was so noisy and some were spazzing, camwhoring, etc. Edward was such a joker. I really miss that guy! I cant eat because of his "hirits".
When everyone arrived, we went to the Noraebang place.. ^^; unfortunately, there was no power.. >.< we waited for like 2 hours, but to our luck, nothing happened..
We finally decided to go back to Glorietta 4 to eat the food. So we did! Unfortunatyely for me, I had to go home early.. *cry* also ate aimee, she went to a wedding, but the rest of them, including ate Mishi, went back to the noraebang place.. I really wanted to go out and rock on, but they arrived there at like 6:30 and they stayed there upto 8:30.. me wants to go too! *cry*
I really got teary that saturday because of Diane.. I dunno what's her problem anymore.. I'm trying to reach out to her, but she's really pushing me away.. if that's what she likes, then fine.
by the way, here are some pics of us..

Ate Aimee and Ate Cle ----- Ate Cle and Me

Ate Aimee, Me and Mommy Kai ---- Mommy Kai and MeYesterday, I went home after PE.. When I rode the bus, a korean guy rode with me! and we both went down at coastal road! I was like!
omg! I so wanna stalk you, cute korean fafa!..
I'm planning to sleep all day tomorrow.. since there are no classes! anyway, it's not so long.. but I'm watching Ai Ching Mo Fa Xi... byebye!
Saturday, July 08, 2006 @ 1:00 PM
Saturday Sactuary
as written on July 03, 2006
Weekend Madness
Yesterday was so great! We had our family reunion with my father's side. That was the Aquino-Lacsamana-Torres-Castillo families. We had our over night at Fontana at clark, Pampanga. It was soo cool! At first I thought it would be boring because I never really got along with my 2nd cousins, but we really got close and bonded alot.
Our relatives from the states also came back to join the reunion. It was so cool. Our cousins, DJ and Alicia are so nice. Dj, which has the same name as I do, is a guy and he's 16 years old, just like me. So we were joking about being twins. Hahahaha. Alicia, hmm, well, I remember her when i was very young, like when I was 6 years old.
That afternoon we just bonded at the first villa in a room. Then when it was midnoon more relatives came and the first villa was getting stuffy, so we decided to go out to the basketball court. We walked for so long and when we finally arrived, it was occupied. Sucks man. hehehe..
When it was time to sleep, we were at the third villa and me, DJ, Alicia, Jazel, Nico, JC, TJ, Irish, JJ, Justin, Jeff, Ping-Ping, Joyce were stuck in 4 single beds. We got to sleep at around 3 in the morning.
The next day, We went swimming! wohoo! and now I'm so dark. aish. But it's alright, I got to bond with my cousins for awhile.
As written on July 07, 2006
Friday Frantics
I had an adventure this friday! We weren't supposed to have classes but the effing inthrop class gave us a freaking hard assignment. So we went to UST and UP which made me so darn happy!
At UST, I met up with ate Ana and Micah! I was so happy and I just left my classmates to do the stuff. Me and ate Ana had our own world in the museum. We were the only ones so noisy there! When the two of them left, TJ came to the museum too. So we just talked for awhile and left.
After UST, me and Vyn went to UP! So I met up with my Ate Aimee! I was so happy and we had our little adventure looking for the Anthropology blah blahs, but in the end, we didnt get the pictures. How sad. While we were walking towards the Vargas Museum, we saw a couple of korean people there. Ate Aimee has officially become a Tour Guide in UP. hahahaha...
When we got tured we went to Katipunan at Seattle's Best Coffee. We even met up with Dondi, ate aimee's cousin. In seattle's we were dissing our own schools since Ate Aimee's from UP, Dondi's from Ateneo and I'm from DLSU. It was soo crazy. we went food tripping and afterwards we went to their apartment. What a fun-filled adventure.
I'm tired. I just got home. I'll see you tomorrow!
wee~ just posted today because I havent gone online since forever. I'm going to ate dette and mommy kai's early birthday noraebang! hahahaha I'll post more later. toodles!
the last time