Monday, March 26, 2007 @ 7:40 PM
Do you know Dullie? XD
Mood: Happy and tired
Listening to: I think I - Byul - Full House OST
I know! I haven't been updating my blog for a few days now. hahaha. Here's a 3-day worth of blogging.
May came over at home. She arrived here at about 3 PM. And we started watching vids on my room. As usual. hahaha. We were watching
SuJu Show, Thailand Episodes. Where Daddy Eeteuk kisses everyone to sleep and wakes them up in the morning. It was super hilarious. Hahaha. When it was in ShinDong and HanKyung's room, we suddenly say Ramyun. I really missed ramyun. So, we decided to buy some. We went out and went over to 7-11. But, there was no ramyun. T_T. Instead of eating ramyun, we bought Cookies and Cream ice cream, chocopie and YanYan chocolate and Strawberry.
I swaer,
we had a sugar high. We started reminiscing about an episode of Star Golden Bell. DongHae was asking the girl,
Dullie's friend, do you know dullie? hahaha. It was so cute. We kept on imitating him. Also KangIn with his definition of stocking.
Lady socks, kopi color... okay... uhm, 2 style... panty style and short style. puhahaha! HanKyung with his Jja jang pong friend and mandu servisu. hahahahah. Super fun.
We also watched X-man. EunHye and her assaults with Kang Ho Dong about being a pig. Also the X-man, feat DBSG. JaeJoong kept on saying sorry to ChangMin! Daddy Junsu's "MuSeun?" Assault was also fun.
Darren Mu Seun? hahaha.
Chicken MuSeun? hahaha.
We kept on dancing and singing on the chairs in front of the computer! Hyper to the highest level!
Sunday. Nothing happened. Okay, so the night part, we had a despidida party for my cousins, uncles, aunties, who went back to the US this morning. that was it.
Monday. Rawr. Today.
Craze to the Nth level. After Intglos class, I was with my friends, as per usual. We just talked on the room near the teacher's elevator. Then. Prinsipe Kelvin, or should I say, Prinsipe Gian suddenly appeared on our floor. And naturally, all of us we're spazzing.
"Si prinsipe gian!!! hahaha." It was so funny. They took pictures with him again. It was joy. Kaspil class, Cam sat in again. One again, because of
Enchong Dee. Waaah she even took "notes" hahaha. wtf. It was so hilarious. She gagged the things that Sir. Bascarra was lecturing about.
I hate my computer these days. It keeps on lagging. grrr. I am so going to throw this computer out of the window. Aish. Anyway,
I am so excited for Batangas! wooh! Batangas on Saturday!!! With adik clan. My beloved adik clan. I am so missing Gerty already. Dan told me to bring SoJu!!!! Wooh! Inuman na!!
Friday, March 23, 2007 @ 6:19 PM
March 22: The Adik Clan Day
Mood: Dizzy @__@
Listening to: One Love - Loveholic - Spring Waltz OST
I am soo happy even if I'm extrememly dizzy. hahaha. Yesterday was the ultimate Noraebang day.
Yesterday, I went to PE class. And we planned and practiced for the Synchronized swimming for the finals. It was sorta okay. We were trying to figure out our music and tried to do a couple of moves on the water. Mind you, it was extrememly exhausting even if we did it for like, only an hour.
After swimming, I just went to the CSO office. I thought my recommendation letter would be the the pidgeon hole but it wasnt. -__-" fine. My efforts in going up 4 floors by stairs, vanished. Anyway, I finished the Medical exam in school and got my x-ray. It looked weird. hahaha
After that, I bought the Cello's donuts for Dan's surprise. hahaha. I also bought candles and the lighter. -__-" great. So, I took a cab instead of riding the bus. I had alot to bring so, yeah. I arrived at G4 at passed 2 PM. May and Ekah were already there. So, I sat down with them and talked. Waited until Edz arrived. Then we waited for Dan some more. -__-" she arrived at about 3 passed. And we did the surprise there. hahaha. We are actually going to have a double celebration, just like ekah said.
Dan's 18th birthday.. and the
500th day of SuJu. Everything was on me. Noraebang, food, drinks. hahaha.
We went to the Noraebang place after a while. As soon as we entered, there were korean boys. ahahaha. Cute korean boys. waaah. So, we had VIP 2. It was an okay room. Though we couldn't dance much. hahaha. So, we went crazy there. Being the adiks that we were. See may's blog for the songs that we got to sing. But particular songs were
Han Saram Maneul by SuJu KRY and
One by DBSG because we got to reach the high part from the song. Especially YehSungie's part. Whew. So high. hahaha.
Edline and I bought Kimbap because I was craving for it for the longest time already. So, we went to the Korean restaurant nearby. We entered and there was an Ahjusshi there.
I ordered Tuna Kimbap, my favorite. So, we stood there waiting. Then Ahjusshi was kind enough to talk to us. He even joked with us. So nice. So, when the kimbap was done, I almost forgot to pay. -__-" I apologized to the ahjusshi. Then
he told me, next time it's free. hahaha. Ahjusshi! I'm going to hold you for your word! We also bought
ChilSung soda. It's the soda that SuJu drank during M6. haha. Obession for SuJu huh?
So, we returned and we finished up at the noraebang at around 5 PM. hahaha. I spent 500 pesos for the noraebang. 600 for the food. and now, I'm broke. Broke but happy. hahaha. So, we returned to Glorietta and headed for my house. This is really the total adik day. As soon as we arrived,
we watched vids. Rokkuhgoh, Balloons and Irony. Hahaha. It was pure fun. Dan and ekah left at about 8 PM. May and Edz left at 11. -__-"
It was soo much fun. And
I am so excited for 31st. The ultimate adik day, it has to be. I only wish that the whole adik clan will be there. I also miss gerty so so so much already.
Today, nothing much happened. Just classes. I missed persef again. -__-" aish. I hate waking up late. HeeChul didn't wake me up again. hahaha. I'll always use sungmin to wake me up. hahaha.
My head horribly hurts. aish. I'll just take a rest. JaNae.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 @ 9:52 PM
Smile...The best mask.
Mood: Tired
Listening to: Kissin U - Lyn
What Do I do?
I can't tell anyone. But it's a deep burden. I can't believe it. I'm crying. Cry. Again and again. The never ending tears.
I can just smile in front of them. They can never know. They can't know. I don't want anyone one to feel bad or hurt more.
I don't want people to pity me.
I donot want to be pitied. Never. Not one single day or second should I be pitied. I am strong. God gave this burden to be because he know I can handle it. I know. He has plans for me.
But... How can I leave, if I don't want to go yet? How can I say goodbye... if I havent' said hello yet?
1:19 PM
Boredom babblings
Listening to: Choosey Lover (R. Yamaki's Groove) - ToHoShinKi
Wow, after a few decades, I'm listening to DBSG again.
Yes, I am extremely bored today. The moment I
got woken up by SungMin's "Irona! Irona!" (Wake up! Wake up!) Aish. It's so cute. The way he says it. Aegyo King. Thanks to ate queen's soundbytes. ahahaha. I was supposed to use HeeChul's but I really find it quite weird. I only wish that DongHae had one. All he has is the random babbling he does in Sukira.Aish.
I'm in the school cybernook right now. I just finished voting and just asked for a certificate of good moral for
SLIFE application. Gah. More work if ever, whoppee doo. *insert sarcasm here.*
On a lighter note, we'll be having another
adik clan meet up. May(hope she can come), Ekah, Dan, Me and Edline. Gerty can't come cause she's in batangas. Dan's going to come over to ask permission from my parents if I could go toBatangas on the 31st. It's her debut. I sure hope I could go. I so want to see Gerty already. hahaha
anyway, I'm getting hungry. T_T I'll get going.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 @ 8:28 PM
New Layout... yet again.
Okay, so here I am.
hahaha. Since it's suju's 500th Day aniversary, here's
a suju infested blog layout.
Greetings of peace to all.
I'm planning to
change the URL of my blog so watch out for it. ^^
that's it.
7:06 PM
Happy 500th Day Super Junior!
Mood: Bored
Listening to: Hey Boy - Seo JiYoung
well, today was pretty much boring. Hahahaha. Nothing happened really.
Woke up at 11:30 AM and went online to update my ipod. ^^; So, as I got carried away with my online, I decided to make the layout for April already. I told myself, I'll make it EunHyuk. But then, I made all of them in the banner. Ahahaha.
Anyway, I got so carried away, I took a bath at 1:30 PM. Ahahaha. I thought I was going to be late for my Psychology class. But I wasn't hahaha. So, we had the boring class again. Ahahaha.
After class, Me and Camille ate mojos at the pebblewash near SPS and Yuchengco. She also decided to use the WiFi there. hahaha. Av also joined us after a few minutes.
Today was the second day of elections. I heard Lolo's sick. I hope he'll be fine. I haven't voted yet. But I'll surely do that tomorrow.
Today is Super Junior's 500th Day! Weee~~~! I am so so so happy really. NII is really the best. And the Mag scans yesterday were so HOT. Truly, I have known Super Junior for 500 days already as well. And I am happy that they are still together after 500 days. Still making people happy.
Still making me happy.
Still keeping me insanely sane.
Monday, March 19, 2007 @ 11:17 AM
Missed this smile

I so missed this magnificent smile. I seriously missed him alot. After the rumors, I am so happy really. When I saw a pic fo him in May's Cyworld, I was super smiling. And when this came out, I can never be happier.
Look at that smile? So, handsome. So, yummy. hahaha. I'm sorry I can't help it. He's just so handsome and cute. DongHae I missed you. DongHae owns all of me. hahaha.
9:16 AM
Listening to: One Love - Spring Waltz OST
Mood: Sleepy
Wah! No net for 2 days. T_T But I am back now! weeee~!
Why no net?
I went to Subic unexpectedly. Sigh. I went there unwillingly. hahaha. Why? Because it was my uncle's wedding. It's not that I don't want to see him get married, it's just, it's too strenuous to go there and just for a wedding.
Anyway, there's nothing that I can do can I? So, at subic, I was with my cousins. Talking, bonding, laughing. Just like always.
The wedding was... too scripted. It's not that I wasn't moved or anything. It was just too scripted. There were alot of photographers and video people blocking the way. And the reception dinner was crappier. The food was tasteless. Blech.
All in all, I didn't pretty much like the wedding really. Though I am happy for my uncle. And for my new tita,
tita Candy, welcome to the family.
Last saturday, I had my last nstp class. Whoppeee for me! So, we practically just ate in the classrom and after the summing up, I walked to the main building. Just felt like going home the long way. So, I saw
Kai at sj walk. Then when I arrived at central plaza I saw
Dianne and
Gladys so I joined them. We were just talking first then decided to eat at Animo. So, at animo we bought mojos. Dianne ate pancit. hahaha. Then after a while,
Gab came as well. I was with them the afternoon. We hanged out under Yuchengco as well.
Funny thing, I was txting Alliza because she's going over at my place. So, when I finished txting and placed my phone on the stair, Gab suddenly noticed my wallpaper which was DongHae. She then asked, "boyfriend?" hahaha. I smiled and nodded. She asked, "really? seryoso?" then I answered yeah. Then she freaked.
Yes, DongHae is my boyfriend. But I started laughing, so did Gladys and I told her the truth. hahaha. I love it when people think that DongHae is my boyfriend. hahaha
Also, I was with my daughter, Alliza here at home. We watched M6 and a bunch of files and oh! 18 xs. 29. hahaha. Wah HD with EunHyuk... it's not anymore HD. hahaha.
So, last night, I was addicted to
Spring Waltz again. ahahha
Friday, March 16, 2007 @ 7:51 PM
New Layout!!
yesh, here I go again.
Yeah, I replaced my blog layout already. I change my blog layout every second or third week of the month. hahahaha.
Yup yup.
this time, it's HyuNa.
HyuNa <333.
wondergirls <333.<333.
6:59 PM
Campaign Week; The Yuchengco Escapades
Mood: Happy
Listening to: Happy - dunno the singer.
Today was the last day of Campaign.
As usual, I had classes and I was even late for Persef. psh. Anywhoo. It was fine. Just did some group work. Then after that, I went outside then migled with Cam, Gladys, Gab, Dianne, MeiLi, Kai, Av, Grace and the others. It was pure fun. Then, had Intglos class though it was cut short because of the Santugon Campaign. It was a surprise that they didn't do their sincerity speech.
After class, I, once again, hanged out with the girls. We were so noisy on the corridor. And I finally got my Tapat shirt and id. And I was actually excited. Almost all of us were wearing the Tapat shirt today it was pure love.
Cam decided to ditch Kaspil class. So, Av, Cam, Kate and Me went somewhere. Well, before that, we saw MaeLi and Kai. then Lolo came. We were so kilig because they took a pic together. waaah they're so cute really.
After that we went to the gazeebos between SJ Walk and Miguel then we went to Amphi to go to Conserve but we ended up on the pebble wash near SPS. hahaha. Then we saw Seth. So, Seth joined us and we just talked and talked.
We actually decided to go to the Museum. Hahaha. When we went up the Yuchengco, we took photos. We had a photoshoot up there. hahaha
1st pic: Si Cam model material! wooh!
2nd pic: Donna and Seth's turn!
3rd pic: I'm so fat -__-" For a just and free society...
5th pic: Ghetto look! hahaha
Yeah, that was our pictorial session, I still have some on my phone. The ones that are in the Museum. rofl. So, afterwards, I went to class. I was supposed to introduce Av and Cam to Enchong but class already started. awww. So, after Kaspil and Intsoci, I went down Yuchengo and I was supposed to go the clinic but I saw MaeLi and Yuri on the pebble wash near SPS where we sat earlier. I sat there with them. Laughing, kwento kwento. hahaha. Super fun really.
We even saw Hugh and Carry. I actually shouted Mugh Horris. Once again, he didn't get it. -__-" psh. I also saw Ate Tin! wooh! hahaha. We were talking about SiWon boy. Anyway, didn't get a chance to see him. Sad Sad.
Well, I wore green today but I still wore my Tapat shirt. So much for a statement of neutrality. But it was worth the leave. I am loving Tapat even better.
Thursday, March 15, 2007 @ 10:29 PM
Campaign Week; Embarrasing Moments
Mood: Glad. :)
Listening to: All My Life - KC and Jojo
Oh, super romantic song huh? hahaha.
Today, whew. It's the ultimate bloopers day. So, I'm going to skip the morning part because something happened that I don't want to talk about. I didn't think that it could happen to me but it did. I didn't become scared, what I was scared about was, loosing the people I loved without even saying something to them. It brought me chills and I couldn't stop crying. I was scared.
ANYWAY, Okay, so, 12:30, after PE class, I went to the 10th floor for RTRs and PTPCs. I wasn't expecting anyone to be there but my blockmate, Jr, was there so, thank goodness for me. So, we just sat there and after a few minutes the candidates came and we ate lunch, well, they did, I went to SCO for the project proposal.
Then, I retuned to andrew then, Toby Benjamin was there. So, we talked and the others came again. While waiting for someone, gladys came out. We cracked a joke about Hugh but no one laughed! As quoted again from Camille, The Shame. Super Shame as in. And also we cracked the Pontis Glonny joke, but no one laughed except the two of us! Argh.
Another shame worthy event, was the flying slippers of Gladys and Donna. hahaha. It was me at first, until Gladys repeated it again. ahahha After the "flying slippers" was the "Loss of a Slipper." hahahaha! Yes, it's the lose-the-slipper day today. Cam took one of Gladys' slipper and took it inside our class, Dianne even helped in taking it further in the classroom. I was laughing so hard because Gladys even told the teacher about it and begged him to retrieve it for her. It was so hilarious. The professor even told Gladys that she could share Gab's slipper.
Wah~! The shame. If LaSalle, CLA batch 106 had a hall of shame, Gladys, Cam, Addie and I would be the top notchers.
Okay, enough of my nonchalant babblings. I am so tired already. Adios!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 @ 8:00 PM
Campaign Week; Battle of the Brightest
Mood: Pissed off
Listening to: fuck it female version
Why battle of the brightest? Everyone was wearing
Yellow and
So, I arrived in school at 11 AM. it was early for class so I did the tentative reservation for Liga Historia's
Battle for Manila Exhibit. So, I went to the Mezzanine in LS building and there.
As soon as I finished. I went to Andrew building and went to class. I was actually almost late because... I dunno the reason hahaha. Anyway, I attended all my classes. Whoopee.
U-Break was... Chaotic. For them. I didn't join in because, I dunno. I didn't feel like it. Instead, I had lunch with mommy Che.
I am so fucking pissed really. Me and mommy che were walking along LS and then someone suddenly bumps on me. Knowing people in LaSalle, they'd apologize. Fuck this guy! He didn't even look back! And Mommy Che pointed out to him. MY FUCKING GOD IT WAS HIM. I was so freakin' pissed and kept on shouting at him.
SHIT. I am really just so pissed off. how dare he do that to me? aish. I really felt my blood pressure going up seriously.
Sigh, still don't know much about the DongHae issue. Barely got sleep. I hate life.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007 @ 9:13 PM
too much pain
Mood: Devastated
Listening to: Endless Moment - Super Junior
this is seriously too much pain and blogging about it will be so much more.
Today, I just confined something. Suddenly, I felt so sad. like someone died. someone that I uberly love. Someone that completes me. I know it sounds stupid because it's just because of my fangirling but it's deeper than that. This "stupid" fangirling actually one of the thing that changed me as a person.
DongHae's leaving the group. DongHae. The guy on my banner. The guy that is the wallpaper of my mobile phone. The guy that has the most pictures in my wallet. The guy that I so love deeply more than anyone else. The guy that changed me as a person.
I can't accept this fact that he's going to leave super junior and join a new one. Yes he is going to be the lead singer, I should be happy, but I just can't. I can't picture super junior without DongHae.
Seriously, I feel my heart is going to fall out of it's place. DongHae is one of the reasons why I have the greatest friends in the world right now. he's one of the reasons why I work hard. He's one of those reasons that I'm proud to be single. He's one of the main reasons why I love Super Junior.
I couldn't even think well right now. I can't just accept this fact that DongHae's leaving suju. It's a big devastation to all suju fans especially DongHae lovers such as I am.
Why would Lee Soo Man do such a thing? Why does he always think of his sake and his money rather than solidifying suju? There are ALOT of trainees out there, why would he pick out DongHae from his group already?
I know, I'm in no position to say that, but what am I to do? I love super junior too much. My world goes around them. I changed because of them. I became a better person because of them. No other group can compare with my love for super junior. No ther boyband had had this effect on me before.
People might not understand this feeling, I understand. I pardon to those people who would read this pointless babbling of mine. I just gave to let out this feeling in my heart.
For me, DongHae is the perfect guy. he's good at singing, a great dancer, a good actor (M6 baby! <3), a really funny guy. And he does it best when he's with SuJu. But taking him out of it, is way too much.
I'm just going to stop here. I just want to rest.
7:41 PM
Extracted from conversation between FM DJ, heechul and sungmin on 07/03/2007
DJ: Will SJ also be involved in activities overseas?
Heechul: Of course, we have plans already.
DJ: What about donghae? Will he be upset that he is left out?
Heechul: I will always protect donghae! Like he’s my own brother!
DJ: Some audience ask, what about those members who are left out by SJ T’s activities?
Heechul: They are not being left out!
Sungmin: These are all misunderstandings…
Heechul : Kibum and siwon had always been concentrating on acting, hankyung is mainly involved in activities in China… Who else?
Sungmin: And K.R.Y
Heechul: Like what they have said, preparing for the new album… As for donghae, he is preparing for his new group’s productions. We all know that donghae has a good voice, he will be the main vocal. We are not sure of the actual plans yet, but there will surely be donghae’s activity plans.
My heart is aching.
at first... I couldn't believe it.
I refused to do so.
my heart just can't take it.
lee soo man why????
I am so devastated right now.
I'm shaking.
I'm crying.
I feel so... empty.
6:49 PM
Campaign Week; Tuesdays with Camille, Gladys and Ponny a.k.a. The Red Day
Mood: Happy~!
Listening to: bad boy - wondergirls
Since today is the only red day, tuesday, well, I decided to write it up as red day. Another factor is, almost everyone was in red.
Today was a super fun day. I woke up at 9:30 and just waltzed around the house because of boredom and I was waiting for Hugh's txt on what time I was supposed to be in school. So, at 10:30, I was sitting at our dining table, eating my so-called lunch. Then suddenly, Hugh txts me and said, I can be there at 11 AM. Being myself,
I super hate being late. That's the last thing that you could expect me to do. So, I rushed eating, took a bath, wore my clothes, brushed my teeth and went off to school.
I arrived in school exactly 11 AM. I even bumped in with Camille, Gladys, Gab, Av, Camille and the others. They were off to lunch and I was off to andrew. So, I stayed in the cybernook until 12:30. I really got pissed off and txted Hugh and he miss called me. It was the sign that I should go to the 10th already, and I did. Great. When I arrived, they weren't doing anything. So I kept on teasing him and blaming him and stuff.
Seriously, I felt so weird shouting
"Vote Straight" Ahahaha. Today, I was also with
Camille and
Gladys Ponny. Ahahha. Yesh,
Gladys and Ponny is just one person. We had so much fun this day. We joined RTRs and kept on laughing because we found Hugh really funny. I dunno why, but he just is. The two even showed them their
"RTR" kuno. hahaha. It's soo funny. Even Hugh kept on laughing.
On the more serious side, Well, it was the first time that I got to hear their speech and
I was sorta impressed really. Their RTR stand is so clear and they really have this strong output with the students. I kept on telling Hugh that he was coming out too strong and he did soften up a bit. That's good.
I really think I made a good descision when I jumped to Tapat. I think it isn't true what they say, that Tapat is all politics and no fun.
Well, you can incurr the fun in politics right?
Monday, March 12, 2007 @ 7:40 PM
Campaign Week; Day 1
Mood: Happy and Sad (is it even possible?}
Listening to: Someday - Nina
Okay, this first day wasn't really what I thought it would be.
Today wasn't like the FE's during first term. No running around, no early call times, no RTRs.
Well, first of all, I arrived in school at about 11:50. I thought I was running late for my first class already and it turned out that my prof was absent. Great. Just great. So I just waltzed around the school figuring out what to do.
I finally decided on going to the 10th. And I saw camille there. Then next came Addie, Gladys best friend. And then, there goes Gladys. And you know what happens when we get together.
Chaos + Noise = Fun for Gladys, Cam and Me. Add up to the equation Addie. Oh my god. As quoted from Cam,
The Shame. hahaha I accompanied Gladys to charge her ipod in EGI. on the way down we talked and talked and talked. hahaha. So, after that we went back and I went to the main campus.
I just passed the A-form at SCO and I tried to do the reservations but Ate Nida wasn't there and I was already running out of time. So after that, I went to Miguel naturally. We had kaspil class. I couldn't answer his exam! I am so screwed. Sigh.
Sigh, I dunno. Seriously, these few days, I've been making descisions I didn't even think about. I made actions without even thinking. I've been sad because of something I wanted to know. I'm sad because of a person that I love will have to leave my side. I'm being pressured badly by my dad. to tell the truth,
I feel so bad.
On the surface, I'm laughing, having fun. But when you dig deeper, it's not only laughter that you would see. I'm really mourning inside. When I want to cry, I just suppress ever tear behind my eyes.
I feel so aweful. I pity myself that I couldn't shed a tear. Because I choose not to.
I choose to keep it all to myself. I choose not to show anything to anyone. I choose not to talk but rather, just laugh.
Smile. Yes, smile. Smile all the pain in my heart.
Why do I choose to smile, because I don't want my friend to worry about me. I know they don't like it when I cry and I try not to.
I feel so sad, Ate Ana's leaving on Saturday. One of my most treasured people will go to a foreign country now. Now I know how sad and hard it is. There's going to be that hole in your heart until that person returns. But what can I do? I can't stop her from achieving her dreams. I could only wish her the best of luck. Ate Ana, if you're reading this, thank you so much for all the support. Thank you for the comfort, love and friendship that you gave me. Always go online there okay? and don't forget to kidnap DongHae for me. I <333 you so much.
Sunday, March 11, 2007 @ 11:24 AM
chain blogpost
it is my first time as well to do something like this. hahaha
RULES:"Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks!"
1. I love math
2. I'm an animal lover.
3. I cry when reading fics.
4. I am extremely moody.
5. I can't sleep without a light on.
6. I am a member of tapat. (recently)
7. I'm a bit boyish.
8. I'm resposible when I want to. (I choose what I want to do)
9. I base my fashion with my fangirling.
10. I listen to songs that I barely understand (Kpop, Cpop and Jpop! <333)
tagged: ekah, dan, ate nadz, alliza, miks, fayee
Friday, March 09, 2007 @ 11:51 PM
Addicting days...
hahaha. Okay I'm happy today but not fully happy.
Happy because I think I made the right choice. I dunno why but I am quite excited and nervous for Monday. I dunno. Anyways, moving on.
Today was really out of this world for me. Hahahaha. Just spending less than an hour with
Gladys and
Grace will drive me crazy for sure. It did. Hahahaha. This morning was really fun. I sat in Cam's kaspil2 class again. And he's was there again.
I want to rant about him. GOD
HE IS SUCH AN ASSHOLE. sorry for the language I'm just terribly pissed off really. HOW THE HELL CAN HE DO THAT TO MY FRIEND!? I've been fishing for it all along and I was right. Damn him.
Enough of him. I don't want to get pissed off further.
I'll just post the pictures from yesterday! yey~
me and ekah-------------------me and dan-----------------starbucks girls
hahaha that's all for now...
I'll post more next time...
Thursday, March 08, 2007 @ 10:45 PM
Depression sucks
today was a really amazing day though it's ending badly.
I was already preparing my clothes last night for today 'cause I told Ekah I'd be wearing the HeeChul/EunHyuk inspired clothes. It was totally a last-minute decision that I would wear yhe skinny jeans and high heels. It's actually Wondergirls inspired. Great.
I was with
Ekah and
Dan this afternoon. At first, Ekah went shopping with me. Well, I just bought a really cute white long sleeves top for the
HyunAh-inspired clothing. So, after we bought it, we went window shopping in places and stuff. Then we ate at World Chicken XD. After a while, Dan arrived and we started to talk and talk. Afterwards we went to Starbucks and blah.
Sorry, not in the mood to blabb. We took pictures too. I'll post them up tomorrow, I dunno.
Why do I feel depressed then? It concerns someone that I love dearly. Someone that is the reason I have my friends with me. Well, it's not just one, but 13. But he's the real important one for me.
It's hard to accept it. It's hard to hear him get pulled out and be in a new one. I won't be able to take it. I can't accept the fact that he might leave them. I don't want that to happen. I never want that to happen. Who would?
It's a rumor, I know. But, the question is what if? What if it's true? Then it would be really hard.
All I can do is wait. watch. pray.
It's really hard. I dunno what I'll do if it happens. Will this mean, goodbye already?
Wednesday, March 07, 2007 @ 7:54 PM
Wondergirls Addiction
Listening to: Irony - Wondergirls
Mood: Hyperly-addicted (is there such a mood?)
Okay so my not-so-fangirl-blog is going to be evaded today.
I'm going to blabb outside the borders here.
WONDERGIRLS ARE LOVE!yesh I am getting addicted to wondergirls here. OMG. I cannot believe myself here. I have never been so enthusiastic about girl groups apart from 7F which was sorta ages ago.
Thank miss
Maylene Madlangbayan for it. psh. that girl. She just slept over here and we started watching the day's perf of SuJu T in beztiz then we suddenly shifted to Wonder Girls's stage. Great. We also watched some mainstream stuff on YouTube.
HyunAh is love. HyunAh reflects me too much. We both have short hair, we both are
EXTREMELY NOISY. We both have big trips on life and the such. We both have alot of controversies on our hands. (XD) hahaha.
Okay, enough with Wonder girls.
These first two days of the week are so nice. I feel so fulfilled with my life. Why?
I'm starting to be more responsible. I'm starting to put my studies first before I do something else. (I finished my intglos homework already) see?
I'm getting more and more fulfilled with my life. This is really rare with me huh? I know. I feel sorta weird myself. But I'm also happy. I'm happy I passed all the required homework in psychology this afternoon. I'm happy I'm reciting in class more. I have this upliftment to do better again. Funny what things and moodswings can do to you huh?
Okay so today was the best day. I had a facial and
went shopping with one of my crushes. He's an Eng student at my school as well. He's the son of my mom's friend so we're sorta acquaintances too. We were talking about school, persef, englres and stuff. I dunno but I feel good talking to him. Waaaahh~~!!
Moving on. My mom bought me
new shoes for formal attires and for my uncle's wedding this april. Also, I forced her to buy me
skinny jeans! oh yeah! I'm so happy. I finally got to go shopping again. And when I left, she bought me a couple of tops too~ I love my mom.
Oh! Meetings week this week. Campaign week the next and Voting week on next next week! WOOT! GE's here we come!
Monday, March 05, 2007 @ 9:45 PM
Me?? A Poet?? hahaha
so, yeah i won't blab today. *waaah a miracle* I'm just going to post a poem I did today. It's dedicated to my special angels. May, Ekah, Dan, Gerty, Faye, Cherilyn and Camille. So, here it is. I hope you guys like it.
My friend
Looking back through the years,
laughter, pain, joy and tears.
events we can never forget,
there are roads to be traveled yet.
I see you for who you are,
beyond the bruises, scrapes and scars.
to a heart loyal, strong and true,
I will always stand by you.
Everytime I fall or stumble,
encouragement is what you mumble.
words so soft, powerful and lasting,
love and guidance, without asking.
though we have our imperfection,
they became our strong connector.
understanding without words,
sharing secrets never heard.
every experience, a lesson learned,
the road has many twists and turns.
but wherever the path may be,
I hope you'll be there beside me.
you have a place in my heart,
no matter how far we drift apart.
you always have, you always will,
a space that only you can fill.
my friend, a solid rock in life,
to see me through whatever strife.
I may encounter along the way,
advice and wisdom you will always say.
Sunday, March 04, 2007 @ 7:31 PM
Weekend Sleepovers
This weekend was so
As I stated on my friday entry, may was here right. well, saturday, she came here again. ahahaha. rofl. She returned some of my dvds. So, we watched a few of them, we also watched a movie and Love Letter. After a while, it started to rain, hard. So, she sleptover. XD ahahaah. We stayed up and watched files until 2 AM.
Can you imagine us both in one bed? ahahaha. Yes we did fit in one bed. Amazing. lol. It was so fun!
And today when we woke up, hahaha, she immediately opened my ipod and played Suju T songs. lol.
We watched the recent Rokkuhgoh perf and Wondergirls.
I am getting addicted to wondergirls now. hahaha.
The 3 days were really fun. I don't want to get into much details because we were purely addicted to super junior and wondergirls really. hahaha
I'll elaborate this more, soon. See you guys!
Friday, March 02, 2007 @ 9:48 PM
hello march!
wow another month started.
Ddn't get to blog yesterday. I was scolded by my mom and dad so I was just upstairs. I watched the movies that I bought they were nice.
So, this march I had my
annual physical exam for school. Then, I had to take my weight. When I stepped on the weighing scale, I was *** pounds! I'm not gonna publicise my weight. -__-" anyway, the point is, I suddenly got conscious. I dunno why. I suddenly had the impulse to
lose weight.
So, last night I made a diet/exercise/daily schedule. I tried it out today it went pretty well. So I think I might be able to follow the schedule I made it depends really.
Sigh, May just left an hour ago. hahaha. We were supposed to go somewhere but it got canceled. Anyway, the usual routine that adik clan does in my house, watch vids and dvds.
I bought the continuation of the
CSI Las vegas season 7. I'm gonna watch it at 10:30. lolx. Yes, it's the schedule. hahaha.
I think that's about it. Nothing so interesting these past few days. I only wish that March would be quiet.
the last time