Saturday, April 28, 2007 @ 10:41 AM
Addicted to tablo
mood: Sleepy still
listening to: Love Love Love - Epik High
Yeah, seriously I'm still sorta sleep. I just got off from bed just to check if my parents were still at home and it turned out that my mom was still here, anyway, she's gone now.
I am now seriously in love with tablo. After watching couple of Non-Stop 5 episodes, Love Letter and X-Man guestings, Ya Shi Man Man guesting and radio show addictions with Brian and Eru, and oh man, I so love him.
Love Love Love, Fan and Fly are all stuck in repeat all in my ipod. hahaha. I dunno I find Tablo amazing. He's one hell of a rapper, a great actor (hilarious in non-stop), he's comedic, he's smart (standford university baby!), a great singing voice, the one thing lacking is the dance skills. If he could dance like DongHae, don't fret, I'll still love DongHae. hahaha
Ah, these past few days have been fine and I've been slacking off watching Love Letter and a bunch of other things on youtbue. Nonstop in particular. Aish, nothing to blog about huh? Later I'm going out with Edz, going to vito cruz then I dunno. hahaha.
Anyway, I'm going off for lunch. Till next time.
Thursday, April 26, 2007 @ 2:29 PM
Eye candies
Mood: Still dizzy
Listening to: Fan - Epik High
Oh yeah, here's an entry to my newest eye candies.

The dorky, scrawny, hyukkie look-a-like rapper of epik high. He's one of my newest eye candies because of brian, suju T and star golden bell. hahaha Oh my goodness. Tablo grew up in the states which means he's excellent in english. which means we could understand each other if ever. hahaha. Tablo is such an amazing rapper he's also an amazing person. He's really smart. He studied in Standford University. Ahem. Yesh, I actually did my homework this time. I love tablo for his adorable humor and aegyo-ness.

Wentworth Miller
The hot lead guy from prison break, Wentworth Miller is definitely eye candy. He's from England. Coolness. He's a british hottie. He was born June 2, 1972. Okay, so he's been in alot of movies already but it's just recently that I've noticed him really. Well, because I was so addicted in watching Prison Break so now, he's my eye candy.
Well, that's about it. I'm getting really dizzy now. I gotta go.
12:30 PM
Adik05 is sick...
Mood: Dizzy
Listening to: Candy - HOT
Okay, I know I have been absent for quite a while now. But I have been constantly updated with what is happening to Super Junior especially KyuHyun, Eeteuk, HyukJae and ShinDong. And I am glad to say that they are doing well and KyuHyun and Eeteuk are getting better and I am glad.
Well, last week friday, I was throwing up so bad and I fainted. Okay not so good right? Anyway, I didn't tell anyone about it except the very person that I always tell when I'm in the hospital. You know who you are. Why? I didn't want to alarm my friends anymore. It was enough that they were worrying about KyuHyun and the other suju members health. I didn't want to bring them my burden anymore. Anyway, it wasn't that serious... errr... on the contrary, never mind. hahaha.
I'm getting better since yesterday. Though when I get up from bed I still get dizzy. Right now I'm using my dad's laptop and I am still in bed watching
Prison Break and bumming off.
In speaking of Prison Break, I finished Season 1 and 2 already! Hurrah! But it was such a cliffie. Aish. Nonetheless,
Wentworth Miller is damn hot! I've been endowed with his hot hot hot voice and hot serious look. I am so loving the guy.
Another thing, I've been watching funny clips of
Brian Joo,
Bae Seul Gi and
Tony Ahn in YouTube. They keep me sane enough lately. Seriously, I am so loving Bae Seul Gi so much!! During course card day, I was with Tin and I sang KangHan YeoJa and Tomboy because of my Seul Gi addiction.
Also, during the course card day, I got my SuJu T album. I said I won't but it but... hahaha. It was available in Ok Books so I bought it. That day was lucky for me but it turned out that others weren't. Suju, to say it particular, KyuHyun, EeTeuk, HyukJae and ShinDong. Anyway, they're recovering aren't they? so that's good.
I downloaded new Kara perfs and I accidentally downloaded the Special Stage with Hyori so I figured, I'll also download the toc toc toc and oh my goodness Kara + Hyori is pure love. It was so good really. I loved it alot.
Oh, and did I mention that I have a new layout? Sorry, I might have missed it.
Tagboard replies!!Ate dette: Oh yeah! JUNJIN'S SINGLE IS LOVE. HE'S SO HOT SA PICS.
Ate Ana: I miss you!! T__T and I'm okay na. don't worry. Ingat ka dyan.
Mommy Kai: thanks mommy. *hugs*
My head is spinning so bad, my BP is shooting up again, I'm going to go. Catch you next time.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 @ 2:00 PM
Mood: Sad and crying
Listening to: Miahn Han Maeum - Wonder Girls
These past few days, I had been so busy with work and stuff. And I am seriously tired and still stressed. My summer vacation has really become solely summer now.
These past few days as well, a dear friend of mine has been having alot of problems. That night that we went out, she acquired bad news from her school and I was doing something for school and my grandfather that I was cramming already. I felt really guilty because I couldn't talk to her that well because of my work. The next day, another bad thing came her way and I couldn't talk to her because of my job. And these past few days, she's been having alot of problems and I couldn't talkt to her that well. She would IM me in MSN and I couldn't even give her a bit of my attention, a bit of serious and meaningful answers, but instead, I rush.
Seriously, I hate myself for this. I know, I wanted these jobs and positions. I worked hard and well to achieve what I have right now and I am proud of myself for this. It's not that I'm regretting having these jobs, it's just
I hate myself for having no time for my friends especially when they need me. And when I need them, they're always there for me.
I feel like
I am such a bad person for being like this. I feel so bad because I couldn't help her. I couldn't help my friend who needs me during those times. I've
become too much of a workaholic.I feel so bad because it feels like I'm turning my back on them. It feels like I'm neglecting them of my time and attention which I don't normally do to my friends. I've become such a bad person to my friends.
I've given so little attention to the things that gives me happiness.
Super Junior. These 13 men that paved the way to give me awesome friends. I have not yet forgotten about them of course, who could? Though they
turned my life into a roller coaster ride, I am thankful for it. For all the sad and happy moments of these early few months of the year, I am thankful. I am thankful that I am loving Super Junior.
These friends I have now,
friends from school and forums,
are the best friends that I could ever ask for. They have been nothing but real friends to me. My friends from school, you know who you are and I don't want to mention names anymore, thank you for understanding me.
Thank you for accepting me for who I am and what I am. Thank you for sharing fun moments with me. You guys are really fun and nice to be with. Very supportive and understanding people that I will forever cherish. I hope this friendship will continue until we leave DLSU.
To my friends from forums, unnies, dongsaengs and friends, sorry for not being so active in forums anymore. And I thank that you all welcome me with open arms whenever I have time to return to the forum. Thank you for consoling me in times of my problems and for telling me the complete truth all the time.
I know, we can't be forever fangirls, but we can forever be friends right? To my unnies, my ever undertsanding unnies, thank you for the advices. You don't know how much those little advices mean to me. My dongsaengs, thank you for the advices and support as well.
You all have become my strong wall of courage and confidence. You guys don't know how much you all mean to me. I may not be able to show it often but, you all are always in my heart.
to all my friends,
I'm really sorry. I'm sorry for giving little attention to all of you. I've become such a person that doesn't deserve your friendship.
Thank you for all the things that you've done for me. All those consoling and also those happy days. I hope you could all understand what I am going through right now. And thank you for understanding as well. But no matter what happens, if I'm busy or anything else, I'm still here. Just drop me and SMS or an IM and I'll try my best to talk. You guys know that right?
Thank you for sharing meaningful memories with me. May it be sad or happy, I am thankful for you have shared a point of your life with me.
No, this is not my will, this is neither my dying letter, this is simly my way of saying sorry and thank you. I hope you'll continue to support me and be my friend.
I love you all from the bottom of my heart.
Monday, April 16, 2007 @ 12:48 PM
Dooly Snacks?!
Mood: bored
listening to: Irony -
Window Wonder Girls
windowgirls. Oh, in speaking of windowgirls, I made icons for us. Of course featuring wondergirls. Just 5 though. Because wondergirls only has 5 members. =0=
anyway, I already
watched the KM World opening perf by SuJu.
KRY sang
Han Saram Maneul. YehSung missed the high notes big time. but it was okay. Next up was
SuJu T. And on the near end of the song, the
rest of the SuJu members started going out one by one and singing Rokugoh. And I started tearing up when they showed DongHae singing. I so so so missed them performing. And I was still crying until the end of U. I was so happy that I had to cry.
I visited May's Cyworld because she told me to and I saw
Dooly Snacks! what the heck. Dooly snacks!?
And I am getting more and more
addicted to Kara now. I watched their perf last night. And I updated my ipod with songs that I know. =0= hahaha.
Yesterday I was with Ekah we were in starbucks spreading our addiction. And I have a charger for my phone now so I have a phone again! yey~!
anyway, I'll blabb more later or next time. I'm going to take a bath. toodles~
Saturday, April 14, 2007 @ 10:40 AM
Summer Vacation.... Yay??
Mood: Just woke up.
Listening to: Go Baek Ha Gi Jo Eun Nal - Go YounHa
it is officially my summer vacation. or should I cancel out the vacation and just call it summer? After the final exams last thrusday, I'm still going to be in school for Meetings, meetings and more meetings for me. And to mention, frosh welcoming.
Well, hell week is over and here I am again. And
I changed my layout. Hae and Min. Of course. I made the banner but it my computer got reformatted and luckily, I showed it to Ekah so she has it in her files. So, here it is. My crappy photoshop. =0=
These past few days, I've been having my random
Kara addiction. Yes, I am starting to love Kara now. SungHee is so gorgeous really. Rawr. hahaha. And we're supposed to be wondergirls. great. >.<
Last monday, Me and edline went to Kbooks. Well, not only Kbooks but also, Glorietta, SM Makati, MoA and SM Sucat. We had the ultimate mall trip. Anyway, yeah, we went to Kbooks and I bought
JunJin's Single which was pure love. It was a good buy and I'm glad I bought it. I was supposed to buy Battle's single but it wasn't there anymore.
After Kbooks we went back to Glorietta and ate at Kaya, the Korean Restaurant. We had a great lunch. hahaha.
Bulgogi, JapChae, KimChi. We were so full after eating. After that, we went window shopping at SM Makati and at Glorietta as well.
Then we had the urge to go to MoA, so we did. ahahaha. I bought a
HyunAh-like sleeveless turtleneck there. Yes, I am really owning up to it. Next time I'm going to buy the vests that we found at forever21 and People are People. After MoA, we went to Sm Sucat to buy chocopies. ahahaha. Because it was cheaper there.
It was a total trip that day but I had so much fun. I'll skip the hell part because I really don't want to talk about the headaches. hahaha.
Yesterday I was at school again to help out for the summer seminar at school. I just typed a bunch of names in the computer. And it's confirmed,
Chair for Activities baby!
Anyway, summer is starting and I'm going to update my fics soon. hahaha.
I'm going to eat lunch, toodles!
Monday, April 09, 2007 @ 8:42 PM
New Layout
Mood: dizzy
Listening to: Success - Super Junior
Seriously, I just took a break from all the studying.
intglos is driving me nuts.
Anyway, as you all can notice,
I changed layouts. it was supposed to be
sungmin and donghae but my computer got reformatted and I lost the layout and the pic. but if ekah sends it back, I can make the layout again. ^^;
Anyway, that's it.
Finals week = hell week. I'll be back on thursday. ^^
Saturday, April 07, 2007 @ 10:49 AM
What a busy life
Mood: Sleepy
Listening to: Perhaps Love - Howl and J
Waaaah!!! I so missed blogging. T__T I know I haven't been updating. I missed Dan's Birthday, EunHyuk's birthday but I'm back with SiWon's! waaah~!!
Ahahahaha! Well, last March 31-April01, we were in Batangas! the trip that me and Ekah we're so psyched about. The nihgt before, Edz and Ekah kept on txting me. And I slept at about 3 Am and woke up at 5:30 by Edline. Pfft. It was so early. Aish. So, I got up and everyone kept on txting me already. At first I slacked off at my room then went downstairs. I took a bath at about 6 Am and left at home at quarter to 8. I arrived at KFC DLSU at 8:15 or so? But yeah, Ekah and Edz were there already. We even went to McDo and I saw Hugh and Mel. They're going to GK.
Anyway, we left as soon as Dan arrived. We talked alot on the car and an ahjummah even punished us. Pfft. Well, we were so noisy but, hello!? it was too much. What's her problem. Moving on, the ride was so much fun. We kept on talking and talking. hahaha.
What we basically did there was watch suju vids and bonded with Gerty, Jaika, Mich and her sister Andrea. I seriously had fun. On the afternoon part, we watched Love Letter and some vids. Then me and Dan went to the Main city to get her cake which was humongous. But nonetheless, we brought it home by jeepney. hahaha.
In the evening, there were ALOT of people. Well, I understand since it was Dan's debut. So, Ekah, Edz and I dressed up with Gerty, Jaika, Mich and Andrea. I even did Gerty's make up and she looked so pretty. I'm proud of my work. I'm glad I bought the black dress from Maldita, it was so cute, but it was sorta slipping down. hahaha. But it was so adorable. Dan's debut was a success, though May was called but she wasn't there.
The latter part, we drank bitter juice with Jaika, Mich, Andrea, Gerty. Yesh, it is bitter juice according to DBSG. After that, we went downstaird to sing in the karaoke and we were seriously looking for korean songs. So, after that we went to our room, and yeah, I'll skip the drama part but I was glad to let it out. The powers of bitter juice. pfft.
The next day, we just took a bath, watched more vids and went home at about 4 PM. It was so much fun. And I wish we can do it again.
Anyway, after that classes and blahs. Then, last tuesday and wednesday, adik clan invaded my house again.
Tuesday, Ekah and Edz went here. We just watched Wondergirls and Suju T. Then the accompanied me to school then we went to MoA to buy korean snacks then went back at home to watch vids again. hahaha.
Wednesday, May and Edz cam again for Hyukkie's birthday. We ate alot of random food. Watched vids and used the computer ofr a while. Pfft. nothing much happened. Adik clan was just bumming around.
Thursday and friday, we went to Cavite for an over night. pfft. swimming overnight but I was so bored. and I got a bit darker.
Anyway, that's it. Wednesday and Thrusday I have my finals. T__T I'm going to study. Toodles.
the last time