The first time we walked under that starry sky,
there was a moment when everything was clear.
I didn't need to ask or even wonder why, because each question is answered when your near.
and I'm wise enough to know when a miracle unfolds, this is the last time i'll fall in love.
Now don't hold back, just let me know.
Could i be moving much too fast or way too slow.
'Cause all of my life, I've waited for this day.
To find that once in a lifetime, this is it, I'll never be the same.
You'll never know what it's taken me to say these words.
And now that I've said them, they could never be enough.
As far as I can see, there's only you and only me.
my blog. my thoughts. my rules.
Welcome to my page. my rants and my raves.
I'm not forcing you to stay and read my bull and crap.
you can leave any time you want just click here.
Sunday, August 31, 2008 @ 3:00 PM
chickenpox almost gone?
waaaah! I changed my layout~~~ hahaha. I really thought the last one was cute but now I am loving the layout I made/modified! wooh!
Well, these past few days, thursday to present, I got the chicken pox. no thanks to my freakin cousin who's stupid enough to go home when he was starting to freakin heal! well, I feel better. 2 days ago I was ITCHY! FREAKIN ITCHY! but now, its all okay. I don't feel itchy and I think I'm getting better coz the red marks on my face are almost gone and I think I have pimples I need to pop. Gah. I feel sad though. Today, me and my friends were supposed to go to noraebang because it was Mommy Chi's birthday and now they're at noraebang without me! TT____TT sad sad sad. Sigh. I hope they're having fun. I know I'm not. ><
I do hope I get better this week so next week I can go with Alex, Tiff, Erin and Nixxie to hang out and watch the Real Concert because I freakin miss my VIP friends. and its my term break for goodness sake! I wanna take advantage!
I finished They Kiss Again and I do have to say that I like this series better but then, the ending could have been better. It was too dramatic and it was left hanging too much. Though it was okay. YuShu having a love interest and stuff. I think there's going to be a part 3. But maybe more on YuShu and then Joe and Ariel's kid being born and stuff.
I think I'll start on 3 dads and 1 mom tonight or later. and now, I shall take a bath, toodles~
Monday, August 25, 2008 @ 11:16 PM
since I'm done with my papers and all (except thesis proposal which I'm too lazy to do) I'mma blog about 2G nao~ hahaha. :3
August 24 is one of the happiest days of my life. Can't imagine. Besides the fact that I don't like this date because... hahaha! nevermind. Some people might get it, some might not.
Anyway, I had to leave the house extra early coz my family wasn't home but then my grandfather was the one who's standing guard so I smsed Nixxie labs if I could come earlier and Eijii replied that I can go~ hahaha. So I took a bath, dressed up and went to JooSarang. Sadly, Mommy Chi couldn't go because of her EVIL tita and their family. tss. =___=
So, I got there extra early. I was the first one to arrive actually. hahaha. apart from the core of course. We grabbed lunch over at ahjumma's. We had kimbap, yes, 1 roll of kimbap only. hahaha. Around 1 PM, we started watching haru haru performances and some of us were screaming in delight. Including me of course. XD
And then, at around passed 1 PM, the program started. I was quite glad that Angel was there coz I didn't know alot of VIPs except for the Core and they were really busy. I saw some of the UP Arirang people too~ Some, I met at UP at their tambayan. So, there were annoucements and then the Sing and Rap contest started.
I actually took Eijii's camera and took the pictures. I was laughing and laughing specially with Erin's crazy antics. ERIN FTW! I swear. hahaha. And after that, they had more contests and stuff. I even answered one that's about TOP's cap on the How Gee MV. hahaha. Hard Knock Life yo!
ON TO THE NORAEBANG SESSION! Srsly, it wasn't the first time that I hogged the mic with a friend. hahaha. but it was fun singing with Alexine. Damn girl! You've got MAD RAPPING SKILLS! and in Korean too! hahaha. Erin and Tiff were soooo funny singing and dancing with us. It was soooo fun singing to YoRiWang with my baby girl~~ hahaha. Finally, an update with suju songs! hahaha. it was such a pity talaga na mommy chi wasn't there I was sooo sure that she'd wanted to sing and dance to that song! hahaha. But, I was more tongue tied with YoRiWang than with the other Big Bang songs. .__.
Nixxie labs was kidding me with asking me who's DongHae and shizz. hahaha. I swear, my bigbang addiction is getting scary! Oh! Oh! MY STAND UP ALBUM IS THE BEST! hahaha. As soon as I opened the booklet, I LAUGHED AT GD'S POSE. WTH. I swear, WIN!!! GD IS MADE OF WIN!
YAAAA~ and we made videos of greeting bigbang's 2nd year anniversary and wishing GD a happy birthday! everything was so JJANG!
After the Gathering, we said goodbye to some of the people coz they had to leave. But most of us went to eat dinner and we ate a ahjumma's again. Had tons of fun making noise in the restaurant. hahaha. Mish and I had our moments with out fangirling and our "tampo" session with DBSG and Suju. so yeah, but it was awesome and fuuuun~
After dinner, as we were going out, there was this korean guy who was talking to Mish and he even asked to take a picture of us. hahaha! it was made of WIN! Its funny how koreans are so fascinated by people who are interested in gasoos as well. So, as we moved on, the core went to CANMORE to have a meeting. I decided to go with them along with a couple of people. (I don't know/forgot their names ;___; sad) and we had some sharing moments about school and life and shizz.
I got home around 11 PM. hahaha. BUT IT WAS SOOOOPER FUN!
Nixxie was right, 2G comes only once. ILOCOS is there forever. XD
I SUPER LOOOOVE ALL THE VIPS I MET. Ate Meg, who I met for the first time but she was on my MSN list XD, Katie, who's Mish's sister and who's srsly quiet but adorable, Yeye, who's also a lasallian/benildean (we should have lunch or something! then fangirl! hahaha), the twins Erin and Tiff, who gave me laughs and giggles and who even danced with me during the noraebang, the UP Arirang people who I got to talk to~~ and to those people I forgot I'm sooooo sorry~ I'm bad with names. >-<
and to my VIP friends, Mish, Nixxie, Alexine, Calvin, Eijii, Angel, I SOOOPER LOVE YOU GUYS~~~
3G NAMAN HA! I hope to bond with the VIPs again~ I luff you all~
and wtf, I srsly completely forgot about DongHae but on my way home, he kept singing to me. and when I got off the bus, I cried. and when I was talking to Eijii about him, I cried some more. I couldn't sleep and listened to his rendition of My Everything. I cried myself to sleep.
its not pity.. its missing him and wanting him back. but I can't.
so, I made myself happy with JiYong. :3
10:15 PM
walking in the dark
it feels like walking in the dark. where I stood still beside you, and you, you walked away with silence.
I stood there, thinking you were still beside me. I reach out to you, and I could not find you there.
it feels like walking in the dark. when I stood still without you, and you, you never returned.
It saddens me that I cannot see you. I cannot watch you. Even listen to you. it pains me to look back. I cannot even smile. instead, I cry. the thought of you, the memory of you.. It difficult when the one you love is the one causing your pain.
I wanna see you again. not just see and hear you..
but I want the Lee DongHae I once loved.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 @ 11:02 AM
What a pervy song
hahaha. seriously.
I just read the translations, and omg.
srsly pervy.
now I know why SJ-H's album is R-19
once, twice, three times, how many time have we met~ I was struck through the heart with your feelings~ The way she looked at me~ All of sudden the beat and rhythm flowed through my body, like a man now, OKAY~ All the preparations are now done, ok, one two three, let's go!
Let's have a party together tonight~ Because I want to make this a memorable night for her~ We know we've already exchanged that FEEL so why are you acting so stiff~ no need to be~ For scent, I bought candles ofcourse~ I also bought balloons to fill my entire room~ The hardest for me to select was the PAJAMA I wanted to wear tonight~
** Wearing our pajamas~ Wearing our pajamas~ Tonight together~ let's throw an awesome party together~ just the too of us~ with much energy~ let's play! Like they do in the movies~ Let's also have a pillow fight~ Like the color of snow~ inside a white pillow world~ with much energy let's~ enjoy ourselves~
RAP It's been a really long time since I've clearned or done the laundry But I spend the whole hectic day doing them, along with blowing up balloons until my mouth felt like it was going to burst~ Going to the grocery store with a list~ and even cooking~ I tried it myself, perhaps this is the effect of love? I'm too happy for words~! How do you like the room I live in? How is the dinner I handmade for you? She looks even prettier by night-time~ especially her pajama~
Wearing our pajamas~ Wearing our pajamas~ Tonight let's have a dandy little party~ Let's have alot of fun with just the two of us~ Up on the sofa, Up on the cough, Let's jump around~ Like little kids, let's harness ourselves to the sky above and jump with excitement~
Afterwards when we get tired, it'd be time for me to capture the mood~ There maybe even be some sly thoughts that sneak in~ whoa
RAP: Toss your worries away In front of her, my love is pure, she probably knows right? Now my heart is starting to race~ even higher~
Wearing our pajamas, Wearing our pajamas~ Let's throw an awesome party tonight~ Let's have fun with just the two of us~ With wonderful music, and white champagne Her perfume, Her happy laughs~
RAP: It feels like I'm spending the happiest moment with her in this world
PAJAMA!!! PAJAMA PARTY!!! Let's play with all our energy! Just the two of us, let's play! PAJAMA!!! PAJAMA PARTY!!! Tonight let us have a dandy party together~ With her until the morning arrives Together with her forever~
Thursday, August 14, 2008 @ 6:30 PM
Big Bang Disease
Mood: tired Listening to: Oh My Friend - Big Bang
I am seriously addicted to Big Bang. yes, I have Big Bang and G-Disease.
Liek, wtf. I am so in love with GD. I even freakin' dreamt of him last night. I was expecting it coz morning, noon, night I listen, watch and breathe big bang. hahaha. THIS. IS. SO. WRONG. gaaaaah! *clings to donghae still* I blame DongHae's absence. and I blame GD.
I don't blame myself. coz if I do, it won't make sense to me. XD
YongWonHee, SarangHae Chinguya~ I love OH MY FRIEND currently. and the meaning is nice too. awesomeness even if its different from big bang's sound. andevenifGD'sapsychointhemvhestilllookshawt
hahaha. I'mma go and study nao~ :3
Monday, August 04, 2008 @ 12:34 PM
Jane is LOVE
DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: yeahh I would gladly die if I get to meet hae 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: hahahahahaha~ xD DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: really. XDD 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: lol. you cant die yet D: 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: hae will cry~ 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: and your baby hae will be momless 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: xD DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: awwwwe~ X3 DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: that made me seriously smile. 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: hahahaha xD DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: lol. our baby hae.. X3 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: lol 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: that sounds cute xD DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: awwwwe~ I'm giggling. DDDDD: DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: this will definitely go on my blog. XDDDD 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: hahahahahah xD 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: O: 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: i will be laughing at myself 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: lol DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: hahahaha~! I laugh at myself too. 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: hahahahaha xD 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: it's just fun 'o' DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: yeahhh~ waaaaah! omg. I really want a baby hae. hhahaha. if I get pregnant I'll stare at donghae's picture. 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: HAHAHAHAHAHAH~ 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: wtf man xD DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: I wish when he goes out, he'll look like hae. 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: yes *-* DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: hahaha. DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: that baby hae thing made my night 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: lol 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: sexy baby hae xD 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: i can see it now *-* 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: flirtatious 5 year old 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: hahaha DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: woot! XD DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: if only I can flirt with my kid. XD 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: LMAO xD 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: that would be so wrong DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: I KNOW! DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: hahahaha 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: hahahaha xD DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: if baby hae was flirting at 5. I'mma hit donghae twice XD 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: hahahaha xD 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: because donghae was probably flirting at 5 too? xp DonnaHae;PWNAGE :: THESIS says: nope. he's a wimp. 13 // s o r a ★ vampire of the toilet says: hahahaha xD
weeee~ I love SORA~!
the last time
I therefore...
DonnaHae is the name. Fangirling is the game.
I am madly in love with Lee DongHae. He is my love, my life, my everything. DonnaHae has been a fangirl for 7 years now, going on 8. She's currently 18 years old. Fangirling has been her life
ever since she got to the Philippines. She spent her childhood in the US and loved it there. She is currently a 3rd year History Major in De La Salle University-Manila.
She loves her life in her school and has plenty of friends. She enjoys writing fics, walks on the beach, watching dramas until the sun comes up and spazzing about Lee DongHae.
2PM Single - Hottest time of the Day &Super Junior U Single &Super Junior Don't Don 2nd Album First Release &Super Junior Don't Don 2nd Album Repackaged B
&Super Junior Attack on the Pin-Up Boys DVD Set
&Super Junior Japan Premium Event DVD &Super Junior Super Show DVD
&ShinHwa 10th Anniversary Concert Orange Edition &Nike Dunks &Big Bang With U Mini Album
&Big Bang Vol.1 First Album
&Big Bang Remember Second Album
&Big Bang Always 1st Mini Album
&Big Bang For the World Mini Album &Big Bang Hot Issue 2nd Mini Album &Big Bang Stand Up 3rd Mini Album &Big Bang Number 1 CD+DVD &SHINee World CD
&SHINee Amigo Repackaged &DongHae's Bracelet
&Go to Korea
&Go to Hong Kong again
Blogskin created by Eclair-x, yours truly.
Table and navigational codings courtesy of Hilary, from her skin littlest things.
Layout idea and inspiration from Tillyness.
Best viewed in 1026 x 768 pixels screen resolution, Mozilla Firefox.